Saturday, July 17, 2010


ooh, delicious, delightful entry from miss beard...

today i'm grateful for

  1. the ability to sweat. it feels good, and thank you, human body for taking in what you need and letting go of what no longer serves you [or me]
  2. spontaneity - freedom to pull into a parking lot ready to do my shopping, feeling like, this isn't where i want to be - and going to hang out with friends.
  3., for spelling help on #2 and any other word at the tap of my fingers
  4. onomatopoeia [#3 again] - for cool words like, 'pop!', 'boom!', 'schwaap!', 'bluurb!'
  5. kind people with common interests
  6. rats - they are cool pets, so loving and mellow
  7. friends. friends from far away, friends who need help - especially grateful for the ability to serve and make another person feel their own value, their own light, and their own love.
  8. the beach! black's beach, the most beautiful beach in san diego...basking glorious beauty.
  9. ear plugs. i'd be sleep-deprived and crabby without ear plugs.
  10. fresh tomatoes pulled from the garden, plopped straight into my mouf. nummmmm!

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